From Traditional Wines to Medeo, our most special Montefalco Sagrantino

Terreni Romanelli Montefalco

On Colle San Clemente in Montefalco we produce Umbria’s most traditional wines: from Grechetto to Trebbiano Spoletino, Montefalco Rosso and Montefalco Sagrantino. Our wine tastes like decades of passion, dedication to work in the countryside, care and attention to the environment. We choose perfection and the protection of biodiversity every day, which we believe is fundamental to offer products of excellent quality. We try to interpret traditions with personality and ensure that our wines are always an expression of the unique and unrepeatable characteristics of our land.

The production process of Romanelli wines

Our harvests generally begin in October and continue throughout the month until close to November, with the Sagrantino harvest. This aspect is fundamental because it allows us to bring each bunch of grapes to full ripeness, to reduce the interventions in the making of the final product and to create wines that are satisfying and complete in all their special features.<br>
In the winery we try to extract as many substances as possible from the skins and, therefore, we work with very long macerations, even up to two months for red wines. We are confident that our products benefit from a long stay in wood: we think oak barrels are the best, the only ones that can give wines all the aromas necessary to express the highest quality. We bottle with consistently low levels of sulfur dioxide, far below the amounts required by the organic wine law; before selling our wines we run them through a long period of bottle aging.

Romanelli's Rebranding: the heritage values of the territory on our wine labels

We recently came up with a redesign for the labels of our four indispensable wines, those linked to the tradition of our land and from which our production was born: Montefalco Sagrantino, Montefalco Rosso, Colli Martani Grechetto and Montefalco Sagrantino Passito. Starting with a work by Benozzo Gozzoli, we redesigned the labels with the aim of conveying the historical tradition of the territory. The fresco was painted in the 15th century on the entire surface of the vault of the Chapel of San Girolamo inside the Church of San Francesco in the center of Montefalco. Like our wines, four are the evangelists depicted and four are the symbols with which they have always been associated: an angel, a lion, an ox and an eagle. Bringers of joy like the main attractions of our production, Matteo, Marco, Luca and Giovanni are an emblem of consolidating the thread that exists between the products of Cantina Romanelli and the artistic heritage of Montefalco.

The story of a wine begins in its own land, that is the reason why our company cannot disregard the heritage values of our territory.

I Quattro Evangelisti di Benozzo Gozzoli Montefalco

Wines of Tradition

In addition to Cru Wines, our production also includes the more traditional wines from our vineyards: Colli Martani Grechetto DOC Fonte Perna, Montefalco DOC Rosso Capo de Casa, Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG Terra Cupa, and Montefalco Sagrantino Passito DOCG Cocré.

Cru Wines

Decades of study into the peculiarities of our even smaller plots of land led us to decide to vinify and bottle grapes from a specific area separately. It is from these grapes that Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG Medeo, Montefalco DOC Rosso Molinetta and Spoleto DOC Trebbiano Spoletino Le Tese are born.